Thursday, February 21, 2019
Pimps Up Ho
In a propagation where w prognosticate charter done extraordinary things such as run for depravity President, they ar still gather inn by most hands as their own(prenominal) toys or objects. And to top it off, young men atomic number 18 adeptting to see women as such as well. Due to these icons such as DMS, outdo Shaker, DRP. Deer, Jay-Z, etc. Are idealized by the youth moreover define to relay the wrong message. Their regular use of bitched, sluts, huffs, to fol mild women have been enter in the youth and they believe it is okay to aver.Not only have they insert derogatory words, exclusively have implanted negative perspective of women. more(prenominal) specifically, men and women alike have a misconception of groupies. Sharply Whiting in her book Pimps up, Whos Down Hip Hops Hold on Young sorry Woman, she addresses societys stereotypes and misconceptions of groupies and the mindset of a chaw of these women. In chapter 5 (Im a flap Baby Groupie write out) of P imps up, Whos Down HIP Hops Hold on Young contraband Women, Whiting takes the condemnation to define and evaluate societys view of groupies.The term groupie describes omen who pursue exciteual relations with celebrities particularly athletes and musical artist. The word originated from the asses-asses from pile up Stones bassist Bill Woman as a code word for the char on tour. Whiting non only takes the time to define groupie, but analyzes a few women who lived that groupie animationstyle. She first analyzed fluctuate n roll groupies. Pamela Des Barres, a rock groupie from back in the late asss, who explained the life of a rock groupie in her book Im With a Band Confessions of a Groupie.Des Barres mentions the medicine abuse, depression, sex, and her naive experimented with feckless rock stars but overly describes that in her era, that the knee b raritying and head bobbing was the purpose of the groupies in her era. These women accepted the roles because they utilize It as a fashion to express their sexual liberalism. On the obstinate to rock groupies, rosehip hop groupies look for more than meet a fun time. They are looking to vigorously derive power or fame (however small) from knowing public men privately. plot rock star groupies are more fan ground, hip hop groupies pick based off the biggest contract or chart topping record.In a experience, many(prenominal) he groupies and hip hop stars feed off one another. While the groupies seek that power and fame mentioned earlier, hip hop stars desire that seemingly hick and submissive groupie love that boost their egos. There are different forms of groupies, those who do it for cash, fame, or the thrill of pursuing a celebrity. But it is all full one big hustle to a female, precisely like do drugs dealing or the rap game. Whiting uses details from Ukraine Superheat Stefan book Groupie Confessions to describe the scheme screwing being a hip hop groupie. For starters, hip hop groupies do no t consider themselves groupies.On the contrary to back In the asss-asss, hip hop groupies have to maintain secrecy In gear up to stay In argumentation. If women today announced they were groupies, they would then forever be cursed to constant ridicule and succumb to the stereotypes that rappers portray in their music. Would do interviews and she would hear comments such as this Just in, no more whoring or so I shouldnt solicit you for sex today. Stefan decided break the last code of you do your dirt, e genuinelyone knows you do your dirt, but no one talks just astir(predicate) it. Hip hop groupies know not to put themselves in the same situation asStefan, it is bad for business and they would be under constant scrutiny for the rest of their lives. As mentioned, groupies have a reason behind wherefore they live the life as a slut (as more or less people perceive them). People see these women as having low self- esteem, and they are right about most of them. A lot of groupies have suffered from agnate neglect, rape, and domestic violence that have caused them to do whatever it takes to feel love by someone even if that means degrading themselves. However, in that location are many other reasons as to why groupies do what they do.One Europe mentioned how she move steep indite males because they are safer than some random guy at the bar. She said that these guys represent an adventure in a safe way because you know who they are and you can go keep them if you need to. other factor is more obvious one bragging rights. Groupies want to be able to go home to their friends and talk about how they had sex with so and so. They believe there is nothing wrong with women wanted to have sex, and Just because they chose a celebrity to pursue they shouldnt be Judged for that. In a sense they act Just like men conquer and destroy, and its a weave.This brings up the conversation that women in this generation have to suffer from effigy standards because if men were pursuing celebrities to have sex with them, it would Just be men being men. One woman indicated that pretty much the reason she bucked Jay-Z Just to say that they did it and a lot of men and women alike believe that there is nothing wrong with that. However, some women Just want to have sex and Just happen to find a celebrity attractive. This reason is why women believe that they shouldnt be labeled as a groupie because they want to have sex with a celebrity.A perfect example of this is a young woman who had a sexual relationship with rapper Ill Wayne. After a concert she was asked to Join him on his bus and after conversing, had sex that night. She express that she did go on the bus because she is a fan of his but that is not the reason that she had sex with him. She said he was a gentleman. A real(a) respectful guy, and it was his personality that made her have sex with him. She likewise said l wouldnt consider myself a groupie, because I wasnt doing it because of who he was. I was kind into him as a person.I acted the same with him as I would with a regular arson whos not a rapper. And there are plenty other women who have had a similar experience and would say that they are not groupies, but women having sex with a man they find attractive. Another reason groupies live that lifestyle because they enjoy the adventure. It really has secret code to do with celebrity and e rattlingthing with the thrill of the adventure leading up to it. knocker Killer Mike said it best that with a groupie, it anti about you. It is about her. Shes Just fulfilling her moment. Youre Just a character in the story.Tomorrow its goanna be Newly and then itll be Young Buck. At the end of the day, a lot of groupies could care less about the celebrity per say, but about the adventure. Pursuing a celebrity is like a high to groupies rather than the sex itself. Other women do for more materialistic reasons. They current perks such as money, diamonds, and furs in exchange for t heir trysts, a night in a nice hotel and so they can receive that overzealous amount of money of money from divorce, child support, or a rape charge. As mentioned earlier, this groupie life is one big hustle.Rappers happens hours in the studio, ball players spend hours in the gym, and groupies spend ours ingestting their looks together. At the end of the day, they are all pursing that high profile lifestyle. So the hustle mentioned in Wittings title Im a Hustle, Baby Groupie Love is actually the groupie. Whiting uses an evaluation claim by looking from two ends of the spectrum. She analyzed peoples viewpoint on groupies and then analyzed the groupies mindset. As mentioned before, a lot of people see groupies as sluts and whos looking for a get rich quick scheme and are willing to degrade themselves in the process.But if you look at from the groupies point of view, hey have various reasons as to why they do what they do. Yes some do it for the money, but others do it for the purs uit, daddy issues, or bragging rights. Regardless of their reasons or even have degrading as it may seem, groupies see what they do as a Job and should not be Judged for it. There is not much pathos found in this chapter. However, the few comments by Ukraine Superheat Stefan really stuck out to me. She went from expected and received money from any man in her life, especially celebrities to hitting a low point of homelessness-living out of her car tit her son.There was a lot of emotion found in Stefan comments and more importantly it shows the highs and lows of a groupie. It also shows that being a groupie is a tough life to live. If youre doing well, you are at a all-time high, but even with the smallest slip up, you hit rock bottom. Stefan said it best that the same people who write you a $10,000 micro chip before, are the same ones who will tell you no in time of need. Stefan however, was very upset about how no one was there for her when she needed them the most and used that to fuel her in the making of her very detailed book.The ethos in Wittings argument is pretty obvious. She uses women who have been in the groupie business to tell the reader details about the Job. For instance, I mentioned earlier about rock groupie Pamela Des Barras and her eventful life back in the ass-ass, and Ukraine Stefan and her ups and downs with some of the icons in the hip hop industry. Wittings evaluation claim would not be credible without analyzing these two women. Not only are these women describing the life of a groupie, but they also have some best-selling books that have very graphic but accessory details to better define intriguing life of a groupie.All in all, there are stereotypes that come with every career field. People are going to Judge especially if it is not socially acceptable. Also, women live in a time with they will be degraded and double standards have a choke hold on them. Nevertheless, women, Just as men, are looking to make it in this humanness an d sometimes being a groupie comes with that. At the end of the say, being a groupie, Just like being a rapper or drug dealer, is one big hustle and should not be Judged until knowing the real reason behind their career choice.
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