Friday, February 22, 2019

Lord of the Flies, Alternative Ending Essay

push throughdoor(a) watching as bullshit and Roger walked into the clearing where he sit down, Where could he flip gone? There is no where to hide? Roger groaned poking the end of his fizgig into the ground. Ralph felt a urge to stand up and finally prove up, but his father had taught him better, his father was a fighter shouldnt he be too? He glanced well-nigh his shoulder noticing the twins terminate into the trees behind him. They made eye contact and looked away hurrying gain towards Roger and poop.Ralph sighed crawling deeper into the burned trees, he looked ahead noticing the burned stick and around it the pieces of bone from the blue pig head. He shuttered standing and attribute his spear tightly in his hands. shite looked over noticing the twins paseo slowly towards him he stood straighter, What? The twins jumped before pointing to where Ralph had gone, He, he went out there. Jack grinned pushing the twins aside and walkway out into the meadow. Well, well, w ell. Lookie what we have here. He pushed his tangled hair behind his shoulder. Ralph sighed, Get it over with Jack. Roger giggled running out into the meadow, before Ralph could react he was surrounded, hunted set down like approximately kind of animal, the kids looked barbaric, they had all gone mad with their war paint and prodigal covered spears. Ralph held the spear up in defense. The hunters jumped at him tightening their bunch poking him with their spears grabbing at his. Ralph yelled poking his spear forwards he felt the tip dig into any(prenominal)thing, someone yelling.Before he could run it out, they were on him shoving him to the ground, Ralph dropped his spear trying to fight back, trying to escape the hunters, somehow. Jack laughed stabbing his spear down hitting flesh. Ralph screamed out, begging them to stop. The hunters continued in a clockwise dance, stabbing, poking and kicking. Jack laughed the circle becoming extensive once again, Ralph lay in a mess, a p uddle of birth appearing around him, he took a shallow breath Jack pushed him with his foot onto his back. Ralph opened his eye his swollen bloody face qualification it almost impossible.He looked up into the sky watching as ii birds circling above. He smiled closing his look his chest rising and falling eer so slowly until finally for what seemed a lifetime it stopped. Jack laughed victorious his knife and kneeling down. A few weeks later a bombastic vessel anchored, two rowboats neared the island, coming onto the beach. The navy officers in their blue uniforms looked down at the rotting flesh of the small children some looking as if they had their limbs cut off with a badly sharpened knife.The officers held their guns close walking around the island. They finally made their way towards the meadow stopping in their tracks at the sight of a head planted firmly onto a stick, his fair hair falling over his rotted flesh, some navy blue men turned at the sight. A few yards from the head sat a boy his orange hair falling over his eyes in a shaggy mess. The officers walked closer pushing the boy with their guns. He was mumbling to himself, slowly fading away. Around the boy lay populace of bones.He looked up making the officers gasp his dead blue eyes shaking them to the core. He raised his hand showing them the small broken down knife. He chuckled smiling wide showing a tasting of rotten and fallen out teeth, The Lord of the Flies welcomes you. He laughed some of the officers turned away, others loading their guns. Who? Their captain asked. The Lord of the Flies welcomes you. he reiterate laughing hysterically, The Lord of the Flies welcomes you.

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