Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Strong Response

Preserving What We’re Losing If you don’t like something the way it is, or if you think you can make it better, then you can change it. That is the mindset of most Americans. Not only do we apply this to our working and family life, but we also apply it to things that I believe should not be changed; nature and the wildlife around us. Why must we â€Å"fix† what is already set in harmony to our benefit? Edward Abbey explores this idea in his essay, â€Å"The Damnation of a Canyon,† published in Beyond the Wall: Essays from the Outside in 1971. In this piece he attempts to communicate with others who have either a small or great interest in the environment and to spark their concern to a greater level. Abbey talks about his disapproval towards technological changes on a place that was once a natural habitat, the Glen Canyon. He believes that the canyon he has grown to love over the years has been robbed of its wild beauty. He points out that even though the scenery is still pleasing to the eye, it is not the same if you look closely. He implies not only has the aesthetics been changed but access to Lake Powell only allows people in who can afford it. Also, because of the changes in the way the water moves, only motor boats are allowed and these are extremely expensive to rent. Before the dam was built all you needed was a raft to float down the river in and a friend to join yo u. A guide was not needed because there was no danger, just calm sailing. Abbey ends with an idea that he believes would make for a better environment. He would like there to be alternative ways for producing energy rather than dams. He believes that if the dam were to be taken out of Glen Canyon it would only be a matter of time before it would begin to restore itself back to its natural beauty. Even though Edward Abbey’s solution is far fetched and his points are a bit repetitive, I believe that this is an issue that cannot be ignored and people need to un... Strong Response Free Essays on Summary / Strong Response Preserving What We’re Losing If you don’t like something the way it is, or if you think you can make it better, then you can change it. That is the mindset of most Americans. Not only do we apply this to our working and family life, but we also apply it to things that I believe should not be changed; nature and the wildlife around us. Why must we â€Å"fix† what is already set in harmony to our benefit? Edward Abbey explores this idea in his essay, â€Å"The Damnation of a Canyon,† published in Beyond the Wall: Essays from the Outside in 1971. In this piece he attempts to communicate with others who have either a small or great interest in the environment and to spark their concern to a greater level. Abbey talks about his disapproval towards technological changes on a place that was once a natural habitat, the Glen Canyon. He believes that the canyon he has grown to love over the years has been robbed of its wild beauty. He points out that even though the scenery is still pleasing to the eye, it is not the same if you look closely. He implies not only has the aesthetics been changed but access to Lake Powell only allows people in who can afford it. Also, because of the changes in the way the water moves, only motor boats are allowed and these are extremely expensive to rent. Before the dam was built all you needed was a raft to float down the river in and a friend to join yo u. A guide was not needed because there was no danger, just calm sailing. Abbey ends with an idea that he believes would make for a better environment. He would like there to be alternative ways for producing energy rather than dams. He believes that if the dam were to be taken out of Glen Canyon it would only be a matter of time before it would begin to restore itself back to its natural beauty. Even though Edward Abbey’s solution is far fetched and his points are a bit repetitive, I believe that this is an issue that cannot be ignored and people need to un...

Friday, November 22, 2019

When in Doubt, Leave Scare Quotes Out

When in Doubt, Leave Scare Quotes Out When in Doubt, Leave Scare Quotes Out When in Doubt, Leave Scare Quotes Out By Mark Nichol When quotation marks are employed to suggest the irony or dubious validity of a word or phrase, or the writer’s remove from credit or blame for its use, they are called scare quotes. However, other uses- to introduce a new or unfamiliar term, to signal that a term is not being used in its traditional or literal sense, or to provide emphasis- are usually heavy-handed and seldom aid in clarity of composition. The sentences below, accompanied by discussions and revisions, provide examples of extraneous use of scare quotes. 1. Next, we will discuss the so-called â€Å"high-impact, low-likelihood† risks. The phrase so-called serves the same function as scare quotes, so using both in a sentence is redundant: â€Å"Next, we will discuss the so-called high-impact, low-likelihood risks.† However, be just as cautious in the use of so-called as in employment of scare quotes; the term is rarely useful and therefore unlikely to be necessary. In this case, it would be better to identify who characterizes the risks that way (â€Å"Next, we will discuss what John Smith calls high-impact, low-likelihood risks†), to use passive construction to soften the introduction by writing something like â€Å"Next, we will discuss what are called high-impact, low-likelihood risks,† or to omit any qualification at all: â€Å"Next, we will discuss the high-impact, low-likelihood risks.† 2. Risk management should be an embedded process that ultimately becomes part of the company’s â€Å"DNA.† Here, DNA is being used figuratively to refer to something that is a fundamental part of an organization, but the fact that it is not being employed literally does not justify scare quotes; the metaphorical use is clear: â€Å"Risk management should be an embedded process that ultimately becomes part of the company’s DNA.† 3. It is imperative to understand â€Å"what to do† as well as â€Å"what not to do.† Although the phrases â€Å"what to do† and â€Å"what not to do† are being presented as categorical concepts conceivably spoken or written as part of an effort to inform, this usage does not merit any emphasis: â€Å"It is imperative to understand what to do as well as what not to do.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Yiddish Handbook: 40 Words You Should KnowFive Spelling Rules for "Silent Final E"Supervise vs. Monitor

Thursday, November 21, 2019

I need a 4 page research evaluation on the controversy of Public and Paper

I need a 4 page evaluation on the controversy of Public and Private Healthcare in Canada - Research Paper Example The number of bibliographies and citation goes further to prove the viability of the information in the article. The author uses a list of citations to back up his argument on the matter (Chernichovsky, 2000). The article â€Å"Private health care in Canada: saviour or siren?† written by Marni D. Brownell and Carolyn A. DeCoster provides opposing arguments on a two-structure health care system as influenced by the financial implications and pressures in the nation. In addition, it presents and evaluation of the common beliefs regarding the health care system in Canada. The article is an academic journal published in the Public Health Care Reports in 1997. Considering the fact that this is an academic journal, there are chances that the opinions may be a bit biased and based on personal opinions mostly. There are a number of bibliography and citations to back up the writers arguments. However, the authors mostly focus on their point of view and do not use any counter arguments, which would have been helpful in persuation (Bromwell, 1997). The third article â€Å"Financing Long term Care in Canada†, written by Michael Grignon and Nicole F. Bernier is an empirical study comparing the three different financing schemes for long term care in Canada. The report in a way rather assumes the function of the government in trying to cater to this need for the citizens. The article was published in 2012 after being reviewed by other peers to ensure no bias in the information presented. To support their argument, the authors explain that Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) have since time immemorial advocated for aging care which considers the needs of the person and not just financial needs. The authors even go further to use graphs and graphical presentation to try and give a clear of the information and provide evidence to their argument. There are no forms of generalizations

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Argue a global issue presented in or surrounding your short story. How Research Paper

Argue a global issue presented in or surrounding your short story. How stereotyping or judging people affects our society. (base - Research Paper Example We find the women of the village adoring the man, seeing his lovely face and body. The physical qualities of the man makes women attached to him. Villagers translate his physical qualities into his personality (Rabassa, 2010). Women of the village feel sympathy for him and thinks how good it would have been if the man was alive. Villagers feel for the man who is dead. The village people arrange grand funeral arrangements for the man only because he is handsome. The modern world has the same mindset as the people of this village; stereotyping is the core concept that rules the world. Prejudice and stereotyping corrupts relationships. Multicultural societies are under the curse of prejudice and discrimination. Considering the United States as an example we can find that prejudice is the most crucial feature of the society. It is nothing but prejudice that has caused discrimination, oppression and tensions among various racial and ethnic classes in the United States (Forbes, 2010). Prej udice results in racial profiling, alienation, housing segregation, dangerous ethnic jokes and various other problems (GLIMUN, 2009). Prejudice demolishes all types of fellowships. No relationship would abide in the presence of prejudice. The very word racism is defined as a prejudice that makes the members of one race feel themselves intrinsically superior than the members of another race (GLIMUN, 2009). Prejudice reflects segregation, and it has completely blocked the progress of the nation. The term ‘prejudice’ now symbolically represents the life of the negatively privileged minorities in the United States. This strange racial prejudice has resulted into an isolated, ill developed and racially segregated society that has encouraged racial mistrust, senseless conflicts and other discriminations that prevents the society from obtaining true racial equality (United Nations, 2010). Prejudice hinders cooperation and mutual respect and destroys relationships. Prejudice di ssolves the good relationship between people of different race, ethnicity and nationality. Racial prejudice and segregation has resulted in systemic inequalities that stand as a barrier to the development (of the whole society) and personal improvement of individuals. Prejudice has contributed for the widening of the socio-economic gap between superior group (whites) and the minorities (blacks). Racial prejudice has led the nation to various curses like racial profiling. Racial profiling is an act from the side of police (or a private security practice) through which a person is religion unnecessarily suspected because of the inferior nature of his/her race, nationality, ethnicity or religion (Cole and Smith, 2010). Police officers often stop, check, and examine the vehicles of their victims (by force also) without any reason or proof about the misbehavior or criminality of the person (Cole and Smith, 2010) (Cleary, 2000). Racial profiling arises as a result of the wrong prejudice t hat the racially inferior people are likely to commit crimes (though it is not so). African-Americans and Latinos are the victims of racial profiling in most cases. Police has got a general belief that non-white people are mostly drug users and sellers. But studies (reports regarding police stops and checking) have revealed that people who are considered to be racially inferior

Sunday, November 17, 2019

My Decision Making Model Essay Example for Free

My Decision Making Model Essay My Decision Making Model BY sals39 My Decision Making Model Experience MMPBU500 July 12, 2010 Mr. Chuck Millhollan Abstract Throughout every day of our lives we are forced to make decisions although at times it is not the easiest task. As a result, decision making models are utilized to ease the burden of making the wrong decisions which have lasting effects. There are numerous decision making models and they each function in various ways. However, my most favorable decision making process is the rational decision making process. It helps to me weigh my options as to what is my best possible choice and clearly epicts the consequences of my final decision. The rational decision making process is a six step process that is utilized extensively in many organizations and schools. The process is used so that decisions made are in the best interest of each situation. According to Janis and Mann, in rational decision making: (a) the goals and objectives of decision makers are clear and known in advance; (b) the decision maker chooses the best alternative among all possible courses of action; (c) full information about the consequences of possible courses of action is available; and (d) there is no uncertainty involved(Decision aking, 2001). As an elementary educator, I frequently make decisions and tend to utilize the rational decision making process as I do so. Problem Defining the Prior to any decision making process being used there must be a problem or situation on hand. The first step is defining the exact problem and it can be easily overlooked. It helps to avoid misinterpretations of the problem and uncommon solutions especially when working with others. For instance when we are conducting grade level meetings we normally begin by individual stating problems that we have been encountering individually in the classroom. We then merge those individual issues and find one root that is the cause of those issues and target it as our main problem. Research Pros and Cons In every situation after establish the problem it is then possible to research how to eliminate the problem and the pros and cons of doing such. According to the Macquarie Dictionary, when we evaluate the pros and cons of a decision we are establishing the arguments for and against something (Macquarie, 2010). As a result we then, formulate solutions and the good and bad of each solution. It helps us to consider every possible option and recognize consequences, if any. This in students. Making a Decision and Formulating a Plan When making decisions especially within a group it can be very time consuming and requires a lot of thought. After weighing the pros and cons one should be able to make the best possible choice that is going to benefit the situation. As we progress to making a decision in our grade level meeting we aim to come to once consensus which is normally done by taking a vote based on our findings. When then immediately begin brainstorming ways in which we can get our ideas and decisions into actions by formulating a plan. We establish our weekly plan which is a detailed escription of the daily activities and lessons that is carefully executed by all teachers within that grade level. We then schedule or next grade level meeting to evaluate the outcome of our decisions and plans to solve them. Evaluate Results Why establish a plan and do not evaluate the productivity or outcome? No matter the situation it is always of best interest to evaluate any plan put in place to rectify a problem. It is done by reevaluating the problem, the solutions that were presented, the plan that was put in place, and how well the plan was executed and succeeded in alleviating the problem. At the beginning of our weekly grade level meetings we use the first ten minutes to evaluate prior plans that were put in place and whether they were effective or not. At that point we are able to make the necessary alterations needed or express what portions of the plan was successful. Conclusion The rational decision making model help to ensure order and consistency is established into making your decision. It also provides a well thought-out and orderly approach to decision making. It helps make certain we consider all factors relating to a decision, in the most reasonable manner.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Flat Tax :: Essays Papers

The Flat Tax TITLE: THE WRONG WAY TO SELL A NEW IDEA Many people would like you to believe that flat tax is so named because it will flatten your finances. That at the least is the intended conclusion. By eliminating personal deductions like mortgagee interest payments, the study claims, the flat tax would reduce housing values in this country by upwards of 10 percent. The study's methodology is shaky at best, and the jury on housing values is still o ut. Despite the forces allied against the flat tax, tax reform has grown steadily because the current tax system is so unpopular and the alternatives promise so much. But in addition to the possibility of lower housing values, the flat tax poses several other serious problems too easily dismissed by its advocates.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Comparison of My Last Duchess and the Laboratory

Poems ‘The laboratory, the content of the play, from my point of view is about a woman whose partner has left her for another woman. The poet has planned to kill the other woman as she is jealous of her and wants revenge from her ex. We can tell she is jealous of this other woman as she says she’s not little, no minion like me! ’ this shows she is jealous of the woman as she thinks she is of higher status, the words ‘she’s not little’ shows this. She thinks the other woman is better than she is.We also know she wants to get revenge from her ex as she says ‘he is sure to remember her dying face! ’ here we know she wants revenge as she wants her ex to see the love of his life die as well as suffer, by doing this she will punish both of them. ‘My last duchess, the poem is set during the 19th century. The speaker who is the Duke of Ferrara is giving the tour of his prospective second wife a tour of the artworks in his home. He dr aws a curtain to reveal a painting of a woman, explaining that it is a portrait of his late wife; he invites his guest to sit and look at the painting.As they look at the portrait of the Duchess, the Duke describes her happy, cheerful and flirtatious nature, which had displeased him. He says, â€Å"She had a heart or how shall I say? Too soon made glad† He goes on to say that his complaint of her was that not only her husband's presence was that made her happy. Eventually, â€Å"I gave commands; then all smiles stopped together. † He now keeps her painting hidden behind a curtain that only he is allowed to draw back, meaning that now she only smiles for him The two Robert Browning poems I have chosen are ‘The Laboratory' and ‘My last Duchess'.My initial reaction on reading the laboratory was one of horror and fascination as it tells a tale of a woman scorned. I found it horrifying that a human being could plan in such a cold and calculating way, but I also found this fascinating. My feelings on reading My Last Duchess was pity for the Duke who was narrating the poem as it was clear that his jealousy and insecurity had ruined their relationship. ` Both poems have contemporary relevance, as people today are still intrigued by murder, mystery and tales of unrequited love.It is very obvious that the poems were written in the 19th century though, as some of the language is no longer in use in today's society for example durst, dared, forsooth and indeed. There are other indications that the poetry was written in the 19th century by the references made to the use of a fan and also the way the poison was prepared using pestle and mortar. ‘Grind away moistens and mash up thy paste, Pound at thy powder-I am not in haste. ‘ The theme of The Laboratory is one of the eternal love triangles.Where the theme in my last duchess would seem to be about an obsessive yet insecure lover. The similarity would be the extreme jealousy that is dis played by both narratives. The difference is that the narrator in My Last Duchess is so jealous and insecure that he ‘gave commands; The character of the narrator in The Laboratory displays an intensity of emotion through her obvious jealousy of the other woman this intensity of jealousy could only be achieved if she also had experienced the same level of love.Similarly, the character of the narrator in My Last Duchess which is a man also displays obvious jealousy although it is without such an intensity of emotion. Both poems are dramatic monologues, the tone of The Laboratory is one of anger and the mood is evil, it creates a tense atmosphere which leads the reader to rush from one verse to the next to see how the story within the poem develops. In comparison, My Last Duchess is written in a less direct way and seems less hurried the narrative's jealousy is not immediately apparent but becomes more obvious as the poem progresses.In conclusion, after having studied both poems , it is the style and content of the laboratory which has made the most impact on me. The directness of the narrative regarding her intent and the subject matter I found as I said earlier both horrific yet fascinating. The image of a 19th century alchemist was easily consumed up and I almost felt like I was there. My Last Duchess, although interesting did not have the same impact on me this is mainly due to the style of the poem which is a more meandering tale and has a less direct approach.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Bad News or Refusal Letter

Oven last April 3, 2007. At BD Small appliances, we value customer satisfaction over anything else. We also take pride in providing quality assurance certified appliances to all out clients and do our best to offer the best after sales service in the market today through our optional extended warranty offer. Under the extended warranty offer, any appliance bought from our store carries an extended 2-year warranty on parts for factory defective appliances as well as free repair and service covering the first year of purchase.The extended warranty also comes with an option to replace the defective unit upon the request of the client. No questions asked. Unfortunately, your purchase is only covered by the regular warranty of the toaster that is good for only one year and covers only factory defects. The problem with your toaster stems from client misuse. Our company technician found a substance similar to melted butter and an unidentifiable sticky substance covering the heating coils. T his is what caused the toaster to break down.I also regret to inform you that because the defect of the toaster is does not stem from the factory production, the only option we can offer you is a repair of the item. The cost of the repair will be $47. 00, while a new toaster will cost $50. 00. As I explained above, the toaster is not covered by the extended warranty that would have allowed us to replace the toaster free of charge instead of repairing it. This is why we cannot accommodate your request for a brand new Moulinex Soft Crunch Toaster. I also regret to inform you that our return and refund policy only covers items purchased within 7 days.Refunds are also only done in the event of a factory defect. We would therefore like you to consider the 2 other options available to you, that is you may pay for the repair of the item or purchase a new one. Feel free to contact me at my direct number indicated at the end of this letter once you have made your decision or if you need furt her clarifications regarding this letter. I will be happy to confer with you at your convenience. Our company wishes we could do more for you to make up for the lost appliance so please accept the discount coupon worth $5.00 attached to this letter to help towards the purchase or repair of the your item. This has been a very difficult decision for our company to arrive at. I would have liked to bend company policy for you and give you a new toaster if it were possible for me to do so. I hope that this incident will not become a deterrent that will stop you from making future purchases at BD Small Appliances. Sincerely, Nicole Bridgford Customer Service Representative Contact Number: 551-429876 (Office Hours Only)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Out line Romans Chapter 14 essays

Out line Romans Chapter 14 essays I The Christian and his weaker brethren 14:1-23 A. Introduction Him that is weak in the faith 14:1 1. Our attitude is to receive him v.1 2. We are to not pass judgment on disputable matters v.1 B. The concrete examples cited 4:2-5 1. Food as an example of a nonmoral issue, disputable matter v.2 2. Observance of the Sabbath an example of a nonmoral issue, disputable matter v.5 B. The divine principles laid down14:6-12 1. Unto the Lord (the same aim) v.6 2. whether we live, we live to the Lord; whether we die, we die to the Lord (the same Lord) v 8 3. We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ (the same judgment) v.12 D. Practical exhortations given 14:13-23 1. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another, v.13 2. Do not distress your brother by what you eat... v.15 3. Do what leads to peace and to mutual edification, v. 19 4. Dont cause your brother in Christ to fall by what you do v. 21 1. The weak in the faith are Christians who have not fully comprehended the positional truths Paul has outlined in the first 13 books of the Book of Romans. They are very sin sensitive. These are not morally weak brethren, but weak in the faith in the sense that they have not fully grasped the freedom they have in Christ and the total freedom from Law. 2. A disputable matter is the non-essentials of Christianity, or the non-salvation/doctrinal issues. They have to do with lifestyles and cultural issues of day-to-day living of living out the Christian life. 3. The proper exercise of liberty is done by the mature Christian who is aware of his freedom in Christ, yet does everything with the desire to exalt Christ and also with his brothers in mind, doing nothing that would destroy the faith of a weaker brothe ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Basic Characteristics of Effective Writing

The Basic Characteristics of Effective Writing Experiences in school leave some people with the impression that good writing simply means writing that contains no bad mistakes - that is, no errors of grammar, punctuation  or spelling. In fact, good writing is much more than just correct writing. Its writing that responds to the interests and needs of the readers and reflects  the writers personality and individuality. Basic Characteristics of Effective Writing Good writing has a clearly defined purpose.It makes a definite point.It supports that point with specific information.The information is clearly connected and arranged.The words are appropriate, and the sentences are concise, emphatic, and correct. Good writing is the result of a lot of practice and hard work. This fact should encourage you: it means that the ability to write well is not a gift that some people are born with, not a privilege extended to only a few. If youre willing to work, you can improve your writing. Most professional writers - those people who make writing look easy - will be the first ones to tell you that often its not easy at all: There is no rule on how to write. Sometimes it comes easily and perfectly: sometimes its like drilling rock and then blasting it out with charges.(Ernest Hemingway)If I have anything to say to young writers, its stop thinking of writing as art. Think of it as work. Its hard physical work. You keep saying, No, thats wrong, I can do it better.(Paddy Chayefsky, interviewed by John Brady in  The Craft of the Screenwriter. Simon Schuster, 1981)One is never happy. If a writer is too happy with his writing, something is wrong with him. A real writer always feels as if he hasnt done enough. This is the reason he has the ambition to  rewrite, to publish things, and so on. The bad writers are very happy with what they do. They always seem surprised about how good they are. I would say that a real writer sees that he missed a lot of opportunities.(Isaac Bashevis Singer, quoted by Valerie Wells in Isaac B. Singer on Writing, Life, Love and Death. [Miami]  Sun-Sentinel, August 4, 1991) Writing is just work - theres no secret. If you dictate or use a pen or type or write with your toes - its still just work.(Sinclair Lewis) Dont be discouraged by the thought that writing rarely comes easily to anyone. Instead, keep in mind that regular practice will make you a better writer. As you sharpen your skills, youll gain confidence and enjoy writing more than you did before.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Importance of Telecommunication in Today's Business Environment Research Paper

The Importance of Telecommunication in Today's Business Environment - Research Paper Example In this context, the advancement of different communication tools and internet has facilitated businesses in performing their business activities succinctly in the worldwide markets segments (Ndukwe, 2003). In this respect, the research paper is based on the study of the importance of telecommunication in the present business environment. The proposed research study is conducted with the aim of determining the importance of telecommunication for the development of business sector. Currently, the development of ICT infrastructure on a global context has been witnessed to expand at a breakneck pace. In this context, the rapid progress in the field of ICT has increased the implication of ICT for both business and people to a large extent. The expansion of ICT has also diversified the variety of applications as well as services in the area of communication, entertainment and information. Subsequently, the development of the aforementioned aspects of ICT has motivated in conducting the proposed research with the intention of ascertaining the implications of ICT for the present business environment (ITU, 2013). The contemporary business environment has intensified with competition owing to different factors that include globalization and advancement in technology. In this regard, businesses are required to conduct their operation with better competitiveness in the segments of products and services for better sustainable business performances. The rapid changes in the field of technology have been accountable for the development of telecommunication services to produces contemporary products and services at a reasonable price in accordance with the preferences of global customers. Contextually, the development of the telecommunication industry is important for the enhanced economic performance of an economy and development of business sector in worldwide market segments